Faith, Friendship, Marriage, Parenting, Pregnancy

The Why Behind My Mini Circus

Hey Hey! 

Some of you might be wondering why I launched a blog so I thought I would take a moment and share with you the why behind My Mini Circus!

Being a mom was a dream come true for me! When I was a little girl I would “mommy” everything that was in my limits and even the things that weren’t. haha! I started praying for my children when I was a little girl. I even told my mom, I wanted 100 children. Obviously, at the time I didn’t realize the weight of what I was saying. Somewhere along the way, my heart settled on 4 children.

I am now living my dream, raising 4 children all under 5! I love the mommy world so much! I love when I have the opportunity to talk mom world with other moms and encourage them as well as leave encouraged. I am a learner and so I tend to do a lot of research especially about the motherhood world. I am an open book and will share any of my findings and what we have tried (even the things that didn’t go as planned).

Although I am living out my answered prayers, the journey hasn’t always been easy. I have struggled with feeling hopeless, without purpose, bored (I know, sounds crazy with as many kids as I have but bored in the sense of not necessarily marking things off a to-do list or completing something type bored.) and honestly, I have felt lost.

So after many years of talking about starting a blog for mommas and women, I am doing it. I might feel a little insecure, a little out of place, and totally overwhelmed but I know the Lord is asking me to do this and so I will obey and step out in faith.

I hope to provide real, authentic, vulnerable place that is practical and encouraging. I really hope you will join in on the community because we really do need each other and are better off together.

Since I am stepping out in faith and doing something that feels well out of my comfort zone, I want to take a moment to encourage you to do the same. What is something you have been wanting to do but haven’t yet due to fear or insecurity Would you join me in let’s call it a #bravemovement and step out and do it! PS- I will be cheering you on and believe in you!

Just to answer one last question I receive a lot- Why do you call your family My Mini Circus and why did you name the blog that?

Well, a circus is full of diverse acts that come together to make an incredible, fun experience. I believe I am raising 4 diverse children, each with their own call and purpose but when we come together as a family we will have an incredible, fun experience with a little chaos mixed in! I see myself as the RIng Mistress who just organizes the chaos in such a way that each child can grow in their unique gift and call. I believe I am raising world changers and I know you are too! I absolutely love being a mom, but some days are harder than others and on those days, I have to remind myself how much of an honor it is to be a part of the motherhood tribe and to be the ringmaster to my mini circus. So here I am trying to stay afloat yet loving it!

What are some things you would love to hear about from me? Let me know in the comments below!